Friday, November 23, 2007

Our Journey to Adoption

I want to tell you a little about our journey to adoption. Adoption has been a quiet desire in my heart for years; when Amelia was 5 months old John and I began conversation about adoption. I didn’t feel like it was what we were supposed to do or even that we’d actually do it one day. It was what I call a little seed planted that would grow a bit later. A year later John and I decided to have another baby; I love being pregnant, I love being a mom. I was so excited! That is when the seed planted months earlier began to grow. God was definitely pulling on my heart. I heard him saying, “Heather, I have given you four beautiful daughters, but never the son you desire for a reason.” I felt God telling me we had a son out there, but we needed to go for him. I told John of this desire, although I must say I wasn’t so sure that I wanted to give up on the idea of possibly having a biological son and the pregnancy that would go along with it. I felt so confident that God was telling me to give up on those things and take the biggest leap of faith that I could ever imagine, and just trust him. It was very soon that John and I realized through prayer and the prayer of some dear friends in our lives that God has chosen a son for us in a far off land; we now know to be called Ethiopia. The biggest leap of faith would be the financial burden that would soon rest upon our family. Which I have to add that God had already thought of this also, when a couple years earlier He put a desire in the heart’s of John and I to change our lifestyle. Selling our newly built home, going back to one income, and driving used vehicles all brought us to a place of contentment I would not exchange for anything. This change of lifestyle would also allow us to jump right into an international adoption. Thank goodness God knows our future- the journey only He foresees
and the journey we are SO thankful to be on.

1 comment:

The Redman's said...

It's always fun to "meet" another AGCI family. Welcome. I've linked your blog to mine along with other AGCI Ethiopia families! I love following everyone's journey.

-Suzi Redman