Friday, January 25, 2008


Yes, that is right, the day I have only seen in my dreams became a reality for our family on January 23rd. WE RECEIVED OUR REFERRAL! Not just one son, but two!! God tells us that when we are doing His will we will be blessed beyond measure; we have been DOUBLY BLESSED!

It all started with a phone call from Julie on January 22nd....."Heather I would like to go over your parameters one more time with you!" Our first desire was an infant boy, but we had said we would be open to siblings, because we didn't know God's plan and thought well what if there are twins? I knew that the likelihood of twins was small, but I wanted to be ready. I never imagined we would be facing what came next....Julie says, "You're the next family in line open to siblings and the ages of these children work with your children. Would you like to hear about them?" I tell Julie that I need to call my husband, but would like to know the ages of the boys. The boys are 3 1/2 and 3 months! All at once I'm asking myself, Are you serious? Can we do this? The big fear was in that Amelia is 2, sandwiched right between the boys and I became fearful for Amelia! We decided to pray about it and touch base with Julie in the morning.

After the house was quiet I went to my prayer journal and started reading my prayers for this adoption from the last few months. I began to ask God to show me specific answers. I had written down so many of God's words, His truths, and His promises.

"I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11-12

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9 God is the only one really in control in adoption; only God can create a family. God knows the dynamics of our family and God knows the personalities of these two boys! Only God really knows!

"Faith is: being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1 Every question John and I were asking had no answers. They were questions that couldn't be answered; all the "what ifs".

My Prayer Journal on 12/15/2007: "In the adoption I ask for patience Lord, it's like the end of a pregnancy: I really desire to see the child or children you have chosen." I'm not sure why I prayed that prayer, but I did! Maybe it was because it was early in the morning;)

12/20/2007 I write: "What will his name be? I am praying a specific prayer Lord: It is my prayer for a referral on Elaina's B-Day (1/21) or my Mom's B-Day (1/23). Thank you Lord for adoption." (I gave Him a little window in there; and He hit it!)

I could go on and on....But the morning of January 23rd Julie called me back and we decided to get the written information on the boys without pictures. When she told me their names I knew God was speaking. We have the whole E and A thing going with the girls names; well the boys names are an E and an A as well. Needless to say, we then requested the pictures as well and it became our official referral on my Mom's B-Day. I received 28 beautiful pictures at 3pm and had to wait to open them until 8:15pm when the whole family could be together! Yes, major self control!! When I requested the pictures Julie told me I had better be ready for them, there were lots of them and these boys were cute! It was a long 5 hours and 15 minutes:)

I can't tell you how I feel when I look at my husband admiring his sons or how I felt when he told me he has been showered with blessings! These two boys are perfect! I can't stop staring into their big brown eyes and crying. I just keep crying! I look at their mother and I cry for the pain that must be in her heart, yet she looks so peaceful; it is crazy! They are so beautiful. I am feeling so honored today; honored that in all the world I have been chosen to mother these boys. I really can't put it into words, but as I answered an e-mail I found these: overwhelmed with joy, honored, undeserving, amazed, crazy in love, heart-broken for a mother I don't know, but seem to be able to feel in my heart! I'm a grateful woman who is not sure what she did to deserve the life given to her. I am just so thankful to my Maker and thankful that He knows my heart.


Braedensmommy said...

What an absolutely beautiful story...I am so very happy for you and your family!
P.s. We had a similar thing happen to us when we accepted our referral a few weeks ago. We looked into the eyes of our three children, and instantly we knew.

The Redman's said...

Blessings to you and your family!!!!! What an amazing story. Congratulations. I'm so excited for you and your family. Thanks for sharing.

(can you email pictures? :)

Michael and Michelle said...

Congrats!!! That is so exciting! And the names work with your family, how cool is that.
I hope travel comes quick.

A Team said...

HOW PRECIOUS AND SWEET! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU and for E and A as they become a part of your adorable family!!!!

I think it's so sweet how the Lord works! AMAZING!



Erica said...

Oh you made me cry! What an incredible gift for an amazing family. Gods timing is perfect. I've been so blessed by your blog in the short few days I've been reading it. Praying for a speedy court date. Praying for you all as you make plans to go get your sons.

tina said...


Now you have to get more stuff from the Gap. Oh well. = )

- tina


Wow Heather! The E and A thing really got me! God is so cool! I pray they are home quickly! Congratulations!
jen in MI
another AGCI family

Unknown said...

Congratulations for your new boys!!! God always knows what is better for us and when. You were only on the siblings list or on the infant boys and siblings list?

Mastrella Madness!!!! said...

Oh Heather! I'm so glad to hear the great news! You and your family are blessed and never forget that God know all! I'm so happy for you!!!!

I do have to say that I didn't mean to push you that hard through the door!!!!!!!!!


Teabo Chica said...

I have tears running down my face....Oh precious Lord, what as amazing story. I cant wait to see them too!! I love it!

Cyndi said...

Oh, I was HOPING I would read this when I clicked over here! (We've emailed, but I haven't commented yet!) I'm SO excited for your family, and for these precious boys.

A Team said...

It was SOOOOO good to talk to you on the phone!
Please call me anytime :-)

Tracie in TN

Our journey said...

That is such a beautiful story. To be so open to God's plan for your life and not limiting Him to only what you can imagine. Congratulations to you and your family!


C said...

God is so amazing, he really cares about the little details in our lives...which your story shoes he caed down even to the date...Praise God
My husband and I are just starting the adopt from Ethiopia and AGCI is our agency, any help, advise, prayers, etc. would be wonderful seeing how your "big sister" in this journey becasue you are so far ahead of us!! You have a beautful family, and look forward to hearing more about you journey, and hope to hear form you.

Unknown said...

Wow. I am SO excited for you and for your new boys!! Congratulations!! God is so good.

~Laura~ said...

Congrats! How exciting! God's timing is amazing!



Danielle said...

Oh Heather! This is SO amazing! I just ambled over to your sight after checking in with Weimers and came at the perfect time to rejoice with your family over this incredible news. We have friends that adopted last spring from Liberia who had a very similar story about God's plan (that included one more child then their plan--3 total) and a small gift/confirmation with an "A" name to go with the other two! Isn't that incredible! Anyway, I am once again reminded how, if we let Him, God's symphonies are so much more beautiful than anything we could compose on our own!

Danielle (adopting from Ethiopia through AW)

Jennifer said...

I just found your blog and couldn't contain my excitement over your referral. As someone who added two beautiful children (4 years and 6 months at the time) to our home 7 months ago, I can understand your desire to be prayerful and conscientious for the children already at home.
I am so happy that you have found your children!

Debbie said...

First of all I want to say congratulations to your family. I understand the joy and excitment you are feeling at this time. My husband and I received the referral of our beautiful baby girl from Guatemala in June of 2007 and will be leaving in about 3 weeks to pick her up and bring her home.

Obviously, we share the journey of adoption in common, but there is one other thing as well, we live in the same small town.

Please feel free to visit my blog at
and I will be visiting yours frequently for new updates.