Saturday, March 8, 2008

Simply Amazing!!

YAY! We have our travel dates! We will leave on March 22nd and return home on March 28th with two beautiful little boys:) We can hardly wait; I get butterflies in my belly every time I think of it.

I have yet another amazing story of how awesome God is....throughout this journey I have prayed and placed little hopes in my heart of things I would like to see happen. Small things that would make this journey that much more sweet, but wouldn't take away from the journey if they didn't happen either. Our first travel date was to leave on March 29th. By leaving on the 29th three little hopes I had would pass away, but that was fine with me because I was bringing my boys home! Well, it seems as though God said, "Oh, you really will be happy even without your hopes being made reality." So then the call comes that our travel dates have been changed to March 22nd! I'm thinking"What, are you kidding me?" Let's just say that our new travel date not only meant I was a week closer to my boys, but that my three little hopes would become a reality!

  • The week we are gone my girls will be on Spring Break. What a blessing to the Grandparents! It makes things much easier; One hope down and two to go!

  • John and I celebrate our 19th anniversary on March 25th. We thought it would be so cool to be in Ethiopia picking up our sons. Guess what? We are! Two hopes down and one to go!

  • My family has planned a shower for the boys on March 29th. Yes, the day we were originally going to be leaving! When planning the shower I had said, "It is going to be pushing it, but hopefully it will work. If we happen to be in Ethiopia the girls can take my place and it will be fun for them. But, wouldn't it be cool if we were home with the boys and they could be there?" Yep, that's right we will be home and God willing we can ALL be there! That's all three little hopes becoming reality!

God continues to amaze me with His attention paid to the small details. I actually hope I never become use to it, because that probably means I'm just not looking for it anymore. We serve an amazing God! So thankful!

By the way, that beautiful head of hair I shared with you in the post before....has been shaved off :-( That's right, something about hygiene. Oh I know, I know it will grow back!


Unknown said...

God is always there and he knows what is good for us. I also have a hope. I am a teacher and I am hoping to travel during June or July that way I have no problem with my other kids and school and I am off for the whole summer and it will be great for the bonding. Will see. Congratulations.

Michael and Michelle said...

I love it! Our God is good! You leave in two weeks, WOW!!! Can you believe it??? How nice is that.
Who knows maybe my child/children will be there. Take lots of pictures of the children just in case:)


How exciting to be leaving earlier and what a gift that God would grant all three of your wishes! He sure does love to love on us doesn't He?! I love the sneak previews of your boys too...and yes that hair will grow like crazy!
jen in MI

Cyndi said...

I love how God is in these details, in these "hopes" that you brought to Him. He is Ephesians 3:20-ing this whole adoption for your precious family, doing more than you asked or imagined. What a set-apart time this is for all of you!

Braedensmommy said...

I am so happy for you guys! God is always right there...making HIS timing perfect!

Melinda said...

Congratulations on your travel date! How exciting. Boys are a blessing, I have two myself.

Erica said...

God always always knows. I just love reading all the blessings for your sweet family. I can't wait to see pictures of the boys. Praying for a safe trip!!! Be blessed and enjoy Ethiopia.

Chelsea Bergeron said...

We will probably be on the same flight :)

Coming to Amharica said...

Just thinking about where you'll be this time next week....on a plane headed to you know where!!! How exciting!

I ordered my baby's special bed yesterday. I'm sure I'll have that thing all set up and ready WAY before it's needed ;) Thanks for the advice!

Dee Dee

Anonymous said...

Praise GOd for answered prayer and hopes. I am praying that your trip is wonderful and that meeting your boys is all that you hope for and have dreamed about.
ps. they shaved off Eyob's hair right before we got their and I was so sad, but a short 4 months later and it is back and oh so cute.